Not only are little girls at risk of harassment just for wearing skirts, but the opinions of women and girls are easily brushed aside for being "emotional" or "on their period/going through menopause." Have you ever heard Donald Trump speak to a woman? In this case, your personal stance on Trump's politics is not important, but the fact we recognize the sexist things he gets away with saying.
Why is this still the case? Aren't we supposed to be "evolved"? Aren't our women supposed to have already been "liberated"? I'm sure there are many answers to why women are still being harassed, hated on, and shamed, but one reason I keep coming back to is the very foundation of human beings' beliefs.
According to Pew Forum, Europe and the Americas were home to a majority of the world’s Christians (63%) in 2010, and according to Christianity, my very existence was an afterthought. "The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." (NIV.) Those women who weren't raised Christian, like me, might have had a similar shock when they read these lines. My first thought was I was created to be suitable for MAN? What made MAN so special?
Not only that, but the "suitable helpers" the Bible talks about here were not women, but animals first. "Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name."
When no suitable helper for Adam was found, only then (last resort) woman was made out of his ribs, but as a woman, aren't men made from me? Why would the egg come before the chicken? Was this a flaw in God's logic?
I don't blame the creators of the Bible, though, or the translators. In the past, women everywhere were second-class citizens. Who I blame are the religious leaders today who don't realize that a reform is needed. When the baseline of most people's beliefs is that man is first, then wild beasts, then women, how could women ever be equal?
Recently, I read Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. I have no experience or direct history with Islam, but I agreed with Ayaan that when there are so many people who believe in religion, it is harmful when religion has been tailored to men.
I disagree with the author, though, that it is Islam that needs the reformation. Even though it would be best if Islam, where women are greatly disadvantaged, is reformed first, I believe every major religion in the world needs a reformation as well.
I am calling on everyone, especially religious leaders, to band together and take out verses that deal with discrimination, particularly:
- Verses that classify or hint at women and girls being second-class citizens, being the property of fathers or other male family members, and being suitable for trade or purchase
- Verses that discriminate against homosexuals, other races, or other religions
- Verses that allow polygamy or refer to women as "helpers" or "subordinate" to their husbands.
God created the serpent, who told Eve how the forbidden fruit would open her eyes. This verse clearly showcases Eve as the first feminist, who, once she realized there was more to life than she was allowed, would not settle. She ate the apple, and was nice enough to share with men.
Men should thank us. Without woman seeking knowledge and a better world, and then being generous and wanting man to join us, they would still be walking around naked, illiterate, and doing nothing but waiting for their "suitable" helpers. Because man wouldn't be able to accomplish anything without enlightened helpers.
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